About Me

We live in Macon, GA and hate the hot weather but love it when it's Fall and Spring. We love the Lord and let Him lead our decisions in our lives. God is so good. Our daughter, Emma, is 4 and will be entering Pre-K in 2 weeks! I can't believe she is so grown...wasn't she just born? Brady, our wild son, will be 3 in October. He is a gift from God in his love for life and his constant need for snuggling!Life is going too fast!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas is over and I can't believe that my sweet angel baby, Emma, will be 3 in February. Where does the time go? When someone asks me that question, I think...it's gone to the screaming and whining central known as my house!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I'm looking forward to a great 2009. Although my choice for President was not the one going into office, I pray for Obama's guidance and clarity throughout his term. Please don't make any stupid mistakes.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

So, I am headed to the beach today with a husband, 2 kids and Baxter, the family Chihuahua. Plus, over 100 lbs. of stuff that will hopefully fit in our car. Is it just me, or does crap just accumulate until there has to be an intervention?

I am up again at 3:00 a.m. Insomia, please go away. Maybe I just need the sounds of the ocean to lull me back to my sleeping patterns..that and a magarita, maybe!!

Here are some new pics of my sweet angels...God, thank you. I am so blessed!

Brady and little Asa...so over it!

DOn't get in the way of this little trucker!

Me and my BFFs at a restaurant in Chattanooga. Love you girls!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The joys of childhood

We had Hannah Grace, our neighbor, over today and decided to take the bathing beauties to the backyard and have fun in the pool. The girls looked like movie stars in their suits and hats. It was such a beautiful day!!!

I am so silly!

I am helping Daddy fill the pool!

We are so cute, almost like twins!

I'm such a big boy now!!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Can I self-diagnose?

I have insomia. It's a problem I've had for about 10 years. I don't sleep well. And when I do sleep, it is always for the shortest amount of time ever. Tonight, I am up at 1 a.m. writing on this silly blog, while my family is nestled all snug in their beds while visions of my eyelids rush through my head. I don't know the reason I don't sleep. I am an EXTREMELY light sleeper..one noise will wake me up. Well, once I'm awake, I think about all the other things I can do with my time besides lay in bed. Then, all I can hear is my husband breathing or the noises outside and then I find myself typing in blogspot. May have to turn to medication if it doesn't get better....

Saturday, April 26, 2008


If you are a mom of a girl, you know that this stands for Disney Princess on Ice. Went to Columbus on Saturday to see this show with my BFF, Jennifer, and her darling 18 mth old, Audrey. WOW...what an adventure!! It was so much fun though and we had a blast! Except when the dragon came out, I thought to myself, I bet this will give Emma nightmares, and yep, here I am at 2:00 in the morn writing this blog!

But here I am to vent. We go to these places, as helpless moms, and our children see this great stuff to buy...and so, yes, I was suckered into buying this Little Mermaid thing that lights up and sings a song. Wow, right? But no, now I can understand why my mom always hated going to these things...it's a money pit! With food, drink and the stupid light up toy that will break next week, I wonder how I am going to pay for gas...

To update you: went to the ortho last week and yep, have a stress fracture. Maybe next time my other docs will listen to me when I tell them what it is! So, it was pretty funny for me and Dru to walk around Atlanta, go to the aquarium and eat at Ruth's Chris Steak House with a stylish black boot on my right foot. Definitely a fashion stmt!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

BYE-BYE Naptime

I remember when Emma and Brady were on similar nap schedules...now, Emma is too big for naps I guess, so I get to entertain her for an extra 2 hours a day...but that's my job and I LOVE it! It is good to have some girl time anyhow!! I just love my Boo-Bear!!!

Mom's coming this weekend to watch the kids so we can have a nice dinner for our anniversary. Six years ago, I was so thrilled to marry Dru---and I still am!! :)

I go see the orthopedic doctor on Friday for yet ANOTHER diagnosis...wonder what it will be this time???

Thursday, April 10, 2008

So, the carseat is back in Macon (after being transported from Atlanta), and Dru took his lunch break to go and get it. Of course, no one is at the Delta counter until after 3 pm so it was a wasted trip...I love ignorance!
HEre are some pics of our trip to DC..ENJOY! Taking BRady for his 6 month check-up today. I can't believe the boy is half way through his first year...how time flies!! Before I know it, he will be driving me around
Dru and his mini-me, Brady
Tulip Library
It's Cherry Blossom Time (though it was like 45 degrees!)
Emma and her MiMommy eating lunch in Annapolis